COVID-19 Safety
In order to best protect our community and staff members, we have implemented several risk reduction and social distancing measures:
Social distancing measures in our waiting areas, and the option to wait in your car.
You will be asked a few more questions when booking and checking in in for your appointment according to the RACGP triage and screening standards.
We have increased the frequency and thoroughness in our cleaning and disinfection procedures.
Medical Emergencies: Telephone 000 immediately
All of our Clinics operate under an appointment system, which we strongly encourage. Please telephone the receptionist at any one of our Clinics to book an appointment. If you are unable to keep your booked appointment, please telephone our receptionists. A non-attendance fee will apply for appointments not cancelled.
New patients are welcome.
When booking, please alert the receptionist if you require a surgical procedure, life insurance, or sports medical examination, or if you are having symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, fever, coughing or sneezing. Longer appointments are available on request, subject to requirements and approval by the Doctor
Disabled Access
Access to parking spaces, premises, and bathrooms is available for people with disabilities.
Our Practice has a computerised reminder system for appointments, and any clinical reminders. You may receive a text message asking you to verify your identity with HotDoc, this is to ensure the right patient receives the right messages.
After Hours Services
Outside of our opening hours, the Practice is served by the National Home Doctor Service - 13 SICK. Telephone: 13 74 25.
Continuity of Care
Patients are encouraged to make an appointment with their regular Doctor to ensure continuity of care and for the review of test results.
Sickness Certificates, Repeat Prescriptions and Referrals
Sickness Certificates, repeat prescriptions and referrals require a consult unless previously organized with the Doctor. Fees apply. Please be aware that the Doctors are unable to back date medical certificates and referrals.
Mobile Telephones
The use of mobile telephones is not permitted within our clinics
Home Visits
Medical emergencies: Telephone 000 immediately.
Home visits may available for regular patients of the practice at the Doctor's discretion. These visits usually require considerable time away from the Practice by the Doctor and a fee will be charged. Should a doctor not be available to call after hours, a Locum Doctor visit will be arranged.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this Practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
All Government funded childhood, adolescent & adult scheduled vaccines are available and free of charge to Medicare patients.
Private purchase of Influenza, Tetanus, Hepatitis A & B, and Whooping Cough (pertussis) vaccines can be arranged. Travel vaccination advice and a limited range of travel vaccines are available. A fee may apply.
Prescription Medication Administration
Appointments can be made for administration of all prescribed injectable medications including depot anti-psychotic and contraceptive medications, iron supplement infusions, B12 supplements, testosterone & hormone management medications, and cortisone/chronic allergy medications.
Overseas Students & Visitors
Please speak to the receptionist regarding fees that apply.
We understand that you may be unwell, stressed or anxious. Our Practice has a zero-tolerance policy towards violence and will not tolerate verbal or physical threats made towards members of the staff or General Practitioners.
A non-smoking policy exists throughout our Clinics.